Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Civil Rights Movement Essay Example For Students

The Civil Rights Movement Essay The momentum of the previous decades civil rights gains led by rev. Martin luther king, jr. carried over into the 1960s. but for most blacks, the tangible results were minimal. only a minuscule percentage of black children actually attended integrated schools, and in the south, jim crow practices barred blacks from jobs and public places. New groups and goals were formed, new tactics devised, to push forward for full equality. as often as not, white resistance resulted in violence. this violence spilled across tv screens nationwide. the average, neutral american, after seeing his/her tv screen, turned into a civil rights supporter. Black unity and white support continued to grow. in 1962, with the first large-scale public protest against racial discrimination, rev. Martin luther king, jr. Gave a dramatic and inspirational speech in washington, d.c. After a long march of thousands to the capital. the possibility of riot and bloodshed was always there, but the marchers took that chance so that they could accept the responsibilities of first class citizens. the negro, King said in this speech, lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity and finds himself an exile in his own land. We will write a custom essay on The Civil Rights Movement specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now King continued stolidly: it would be fatal for the nation to overlook the urgency of the moment and to underestimate the determination of the negro. this sweltering summer of the negros legitimate discontent will not pass until there is an invigorating autumn of freedom and equality. when King came to the end of his prepared text, he swept right on into an exhibition of impromptu oratory that was catching, dramatic, and inspirational. I have a dream, King cried out. the crowd began cheering, but king, never pausing, brought silence as he continued, i have a dream that one day on the red hills of georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slaveowners will be able to sit down together at the table of I have a dream, he went on, relentlessly shouting down the thunderous swell of applause, that even the state of mississippi, a state sweltering with peoples injustices, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice. i have dream, cried King for the last time, that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. Everyone agreed the march was a success and they wanted action now! but, now! remained a long way off. president kennedy was never able to mobilize sufficient support to pass a civil rights bill with teeth over the opposition of segregationist southern members of congress. but after his assassination, president johnson, drawing on the kennedy legacy and on the press coverage of civil rights marches and protests, succeeded where However, by the summer of 1964, the black revolution had created its own crisis of disappointed expectations. rioting by urban blacks was to be a feature of every long, hot, summer of the mid-1960s. In 1965, King and other black leaders wanted to push beyond social integration, now guaranteed under the previous years civil rights law, to political rights, mainly southern blacks rights to register and vote. king picked a tough alabama town to tackle: selma, where only 1% of eligible black voters were registered to vote. the violence, the march, the excitement all contributed to the passage of the second landmark civil rights act of the decade. even though there was horrendous violence, rev. king announced that as a matter of conscience and in an attempt to arouse the deepest concern of the nation, he was compelled to lead another march from selma to montgomery, alabama. The four-day, 54-mile march started on the afternoon of sunday, march 21, 1965, with some 3500 marchers led by two nobel prizewinners, the rev. Martin luther king, jr. And ralph bunche, then u. .u020b912681670c8290a687ed5be024f9 , .u020b912681670c8290a687ed5be024f9 .postImageUrl , .u020b912681670c8290a687ed5be024f9 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u020b912681670c8290a687ed5be024f9 , .u020b912681670c8290a687ed5be024f9:hover , .u020b912681670c8290a687ed5be024f9:visited , .u020b912681670c8290a687ed5be024f9:active { border:0!important; } .u020b912681670c8290a687ed5be024f9 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u020b912681670c8290a687ed5be024f9 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u020b912681670c8290a687ed5be024f9:active , .u020b912681670c8290a687ed5be024f9:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u020b912681670c8290a687ed5be024f9 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u020b912681670c8290a687ed5be024f9 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u020b912681670c8290a687ed5be024f9 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u020b912681670c8290a687ed5be024f9 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u020b912681670c8290a687ed5be024f9:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u020b912681670c8290a687ed5be024f9 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u020b912681670c8290a687ed5be024f9 .u020b912681670c8290a687ed5be024f9-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u020b912681670c8290a687ed5be024f9:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Mary Flannery O’Connor Argumentative Essayn. Under secretary for special political affairs. in the march, whites, negroes, clergymen and beatniks, old and young, walked side by side. president johnson made sure they had plenty of protection this time with 1000 military police, 1900 federalized alabama national guardsmen, and platoons of u.s. Marshals and When the marchers reached the capital of alabama, they were to have presented a petition to then governor george wallace protesting voting discrimination. however, when they arrived, the governors aides came out and said, the capital is closed today. About this same time, the term, . The Civil Rights Movement Essay Example For Students The Civil Rights Movement Essay The Civil Rights Movement Essay The civil rights movement was a period of time when blacks attempted to gain their constitutional rights of which they were being deprived. The movement has occurred from the 1950s to the present, with programs like Affirmative Action. Many were upset with the way the civil rights movement was being carried out in the 1960s. As a result, someone assassinated the leader of the movement, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. We will write a custom essay on The Civil Rights Movement specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Many blacks were infuriated at this death so there were serious riots in almost 100 cities. President Johnson then appointed a committee called The Kerner Commission to study the civil rights movement. They concluded the following: We are moving toward two societies-one white and one black, separate and unequal. There is some truth to the Kerner Commission report, but on the whole the civil rights movement has been a success because blacks are better off now than they were before it began. The Kerner Commission report has some truth when it comes to blacks and politics, but overall the movement was a success because blacks have achieved more politically than before they began. Before the movement, blacks had almost no political power due to laws designed to prevent blacks from voting, like poll taxes, literacy tests and the Grandfather Clause. Also when some blacks went to vote, people simply wouldnt let them register. Due to lack of voting ability, no blacks were elected into office and therefore, blacks had no say in the government. Also, blacks were not allowed to serve on juries, yet they were almost always found guilty in court, even if the evidence was clearly against them. For example, years ago a boy in Georgia broke into a school to steal an ice cream. While he should have gotten a few hours of community service, he got three years in jail just because he was black. A truth to the Kerner Commission report that occurs today is that blacks are not being represented in Congress proportionally. While 12% of U.S. citizens are black, there is only one black in the Senate out of a hundred seats. This is a failure because blacks should be proportionally represented because it is their right to have a sufficient say in government. However, the civil rights movement was more of a success because blacks got the vote. The 24th amendment outlawed the Poll tax, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 protects the rights of all citizens to vote, and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 ended literacy tests and let the Federal government register voters to make sure that they arent discriminated again. Because of this new political power they have obtained, blacks have the ability to elect other blacks to represent them. There are over four times as many blacks in office today, than before the movement. This helped the blacks because they could have a representative to speak for them. A few years ago, a black named David Dinkins was elected mayor of one of the largest cities in America, New York. In 1968, Chrisam became the first black woman in the House of Representatives and in 1984, a popular black leader, Jesse Jackson ran for president. All this is a success because one of their goals was to have political power and equal opportunity. A second reason why the civil rights movement was politically more of a success than a failure is due to the fact that blacks are better off in the courts than they were. Now, blacks are allowed to serve on juries, and they are hardly ever discriminated in court as opposed to when the boy was over-sentenced for stealing an ice cream. For example, O.J. Simpson, who was accused of killing his wife, received a fair trial and was let off not-guilty. In the 60s in the south, he would have been found guilty very quickly. .u452941ac3e6584a20c9e7a6b03228fc0 , .u452941ac3e6584a20c9e7a6b03228fc0 .postImageUrl , .u452941ac3e6584a20c9e7a6b03228fc0 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u452941ac3e6584a20c9e7a6b03228fc0 , .u452941ac3e6584a20c9e7a6b03228fc0:hover , .u452941ac3e6584a20c9e7a6b03228fc0:visited , .u452941ac3e6584a20c9e7a6b03228fc0:active { border:0!important; } .u452941ac3e6584a20c9e7a6b03228fc0 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u452941ac3e6584a20c9e7a6b03228fc0 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u452941ac3e6584a20c9e7a6b03228fc0:active , .u452941ac3e6584a20c9e7a6b03228fc0:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u452941ac3e6584a20c9e7a6b03228fc0 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u452941ac3e6584a20c9e7a6b03228fc0 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u452941ac3e6584a20c9e7a6b03228fc0 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u452941ac3e6584a20c9e7a6b03228fc0 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u452941ac3e6584a20c9e7a6b03228fc0:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u452941ac3e6584a20c9e7a6b03228fc0 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u452941ac3e6584a20c9e7a6b03228fc0 .u452941ac3e6584a20c9e7a6b03228fc0-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u452941ac3e6584a20c9e7a6b03228fc0:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The conflict of Self EssayIn the economic sense, the Kerner report has some truth today, but overall the civil rights movement was a huge success in this area because blacks are much better off today than they were before the movement. Before the civil rights movement, almost every black was very poor and they werent able to get good jobs because of their skin color. There was no middle class for blacks, just a lower class. They didnt have equal opportunity. An economic failure of the movement is the amount of poor blacks that still exist. The children which are products of this particular type of segregation live in a poor neighborhood, . The Civil Rights Movement Essay Example For Students The Civil Rights Movement Essay Throughout the 60s, racism changed dramatically in a various number of ways. Changes involved the passage of bills into laws as well as involving the overall attitude of the people. Racism was largely based on white peoples hatred towards blacks until the 1960s, when several major events increased problems both from whites towards blacks and from blacks towards whites. The biggest Social protest of the 1960s was The Civil Rights Movement Essay. It began on February 1, 1960, in Greensboro, North Carolina when four black students seated themselves at the whites only lunch counter and refused to leave until they were served. We will write a custom essay on The Civil Rights Movement specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now After the first sit-in, it began happening all over the country and by the end of the year, 70,000 blacks staged sit-ins. Throughout this, over 3,600 people were arrested. This movement was successful, but it demonstrated non-violent protests. After this movement began, several organizations developed. Such programs include; The NAACP, SNCC, SCLC, CORE, and the Black Panthers. The NAACP stands for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, while the SNCC stands for the Student Non Violent Coordinating Committee. The SCLC stands for the Southern Christian Leadership Conference who started a segregation protest traveling to Birmingham, Alabama who had the reputation of one of the most segregated cities in the United States. On May 2, 1963, over six hundred protesters were arrested, and the majority was teenage high schoolers. The next day, the police chief, Bull Conor, ordered his police officers to shoot the protestors with high-powered water hoses ordered their dogs to attack them. By the end of the march, only twenty people reached the City Hall. After the Birmingham demonstrations, the blacks gained support from the people from the North because they witnessed how violent the South was towards the black protestors. The CORE is for the Congress of Racial Equality and started the first series of Freedom Riders in May of 1961. They traveled on two interstate buses starting in Washington D.C. and traveling to New Orleans. The people who disagreed with this movement threw stones and burnt these traveling buses in order to show their dislikeness of the blacks. All of these programs promoted rights for African Americans. The Black Panthers was organized by the SNCC and became popular in the late 60s. It was founded in Oakland, California after they protested the bill that outlawed carrying loaded weapons in public. They marched to Sacramento armed with loaded weapons, wearing their distinctive black leather uniforms. This attracted many of the residence of Oakland to follow them. They believed that self-defense was a much wiser way of protest after many failed other protests. As you can see, racism changed dramatically throughout the 1960s. The protestors of the 60s changed the black society, which became better, and today some racism remains today but not nearly as much as back then. The Civil Rights Movement only had a positive influence on todays society. . The Civil Rights Movement Essay Example For Students The Civil Rights Movement Essay The Civil Rights Movement Essay Civil rights are the rights to personal liberty and are provided by the law. The Constitution and the Bill of Rights promises everybody civil rights. But many people, including lots of black people, have been denied their civil rights. Black people, and also some white people who help them, have struggled for these rights for a long time. Many people have helped and many kinds of groups have been formed to help win equal rights for everyone. We will write a custom essay on The Civil Rights Movement specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Things are a lot better used to be, but the struggle is not over. Soon after the Declaration of Independence was signed there were groups that tried to end slavery. They were in Pennsylvania, Virginia, Rhode Island, Delaware, New Jersey, and Maryland, and Connecticut. It took a long time to win freedom for slaves. Lots of slaves were taken to freedom in the North on the Underground Railroad. The Underground Railroad is the name of the system that slaves traveled in secret from one place to another. They usually hid during the day and traveled at nighttime. Some slaves even fought to be free. Nat Turner was a preacher that led a slave revolt in Virginia in 1831. But they all ended up being executed.. President Lincolns Emancipation Proclamation of 1863 freed slaves in the Confederate states. But it did not guarantee anyone an education, a job, or a place to live. The Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution made slavery illegal. The Fourteenth and Fifteenth amendments were passed later, and they were supposed to give blacks all their civil rights, especially the right to vote. The Reconstruction period was 1865 1877. During this time many black people had important government jobs. Louisiana, South Carolina, and Mississippi had black lieutenant governors, and Mississippis speaker of the house was black. The superintendent of public education in Florida was black. The South had 22 black representatives in Congress. White Southerners who hated blacks started the Ku Klux Klan in 1866. It was also called the KKK. They tried to stop black people from voting and having other civil rights. They would wear white sheets and masks with pointed hoods. They would beat up blacks and public officials. They would burn crosses by the houses of people they wanted to scare. The KKK was declared illegal in 1869. There is still a KKK even now that is against some races and nationalities, but its a secret organization now. Black people all over the country were still being denied their civil rights even though laws were passed to protect them. Congress passed an important civil rights act in 1875. This law guaranteed everyone the right to use public transportation and the right to attend theaters and other public places. But whites found ways to get around this law and the Supreme Court overturned it in 1883. After that, most southern blacks were denied the right to vote and other civil rights. Relations between whites and blacks got worse. From 1900 on there were lots of bloody race riots in South Carolina, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and Texas. The Government didnt do very much to help black people protect their civil rights. Many black leaders decided that they were the only ones who could solve their own problems. One of their best leaders was W.E. B. Du Bois. Another black leader was Booker T. Washington. He thought that if blacks were patient they would win their rights. Du Bois disagreed and argued because he thought blacks should demand their rights immediately. There was a big meeting of black leaders in Niagra Falls in 1905. The riots had scared many white and black leaders. During about the same time another organization called the Urban League was started. .ud345da912a4ca589981b426ac8274327 , .ud345da912a4ca589981b426ac8274327 .postImageUrl , .ud345da912a4ca589981b426ac8274327 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ud345da912a4ca589981b426ac8274327 , .ud345da912a4ca589981b426ac8274327:hover , .ud345da912a4ca589981b426ac8274327:visited , .ud345da912a4ca589981b426ac8274327:active { border:0!important; } .ud345da912a4ca589981b426ac8274327 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ud345da912a4ca589981b426ac8274327 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ud345da912a4ca589981b426ac8274327:active , .ud345da912a4ca589981b426ac8274327:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ud345da912a4ca589981b426ac8274327 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ud345da912a4ca589981b426ac8274327 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ud345da912a4ca589981b426ac8274327 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ud345da912a4ca589981b426ac8274327 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ud345da912a4ca589981b426ac8274327:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ud345da912a4ca589981b426ac8274327 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ud345da912a4ca589981b426ac8274327 .ud345da912a4ca589981b426ac8274327-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ud345da912a4ca589981b426ac8274327:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Cheating Essay And a man named Marcus Garvey started the Universal Negro Improvement Association at about the same time. He stressed black pride, and made up the slogan Black is beautiful, and said blacks should return to Africa and build new lives. Thousands of blacks came to northern cities looking for jobs during World War I and lots of blacks joined the U. S. armed forces to fight in the war. They tried to improve their conditions when they came back from . The Civil Rights Movement Essay Example For Students The Civil Rights Movement Essay The Civil Rights Movement Essay was a period of time when blacks attempted to gain their constitutional rights of which they were being deprived. The movement has occurred from the 1950s to the present, with programs like Affirmative Action. Many were upset with the way the civil rights movement was being carried out in the 1960s. As a result, someone assassinated the leader of the movement, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Many blacks were infuriated at this death so there were serious riots in almost 100 cities. President Johnson then appointed a committee called The Kerner Commission to study the civil rights movement. They concluded the following: We are moving toward two societies-one white and one black, separate and unequal. There is some truth to the Kerner Commission report, but on the whole the civil rights movement has been a success because blacks are better off now than they were before it began. We will write a custom essay on The Civil Rights Movement specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The Kerner Commission report has some truth when it comes to blacks and politics, but overall the movement was a success because blacks have achieved more politically than before they began. Before the movement, blacks had almost no political power due to laws designed to prevent blacks from voting, like poll taxes, literacy tests and the Grandfather Clause. Also when some blacks went to vote, people simply wouldnt let them register. Due to lack of voting ability, no blacks were elected into office and therefore, blacks had no say in the government. Also, blacks were not allowed to serve on juries, yet they were almost always found guilty in court, even if the evidence was clearly against them. For example, years ago a boy in Georgia broke into a school to steal an ice cream. While he should have gotten a few hours of community service, he got three years in jail just because he was black. A truth to the Kerner Commission report that occurs today is that blacks are not being represented in Congress proportionally. While 12% of U.S. citizens are black, there is only one black in the Senate out of a hundred seats. This is a failure because blacks should be proportionally represented because it is their right to have a sufficient say in government. However, the civil rights movement was more of a success because blacks got the vote. The 24th amendment outlawed the Poll tax, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 protects the rights of all citizens to vote, and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 ended literacy tests and let the Federal government register voters to make sure that they arent discriminated again. Because of this new political power they have obtained, blacks have the ability to elect other blacks to represent them. There are over four times as many blacks in office today, than before the movement. This helped the blacks because they could have a representative to speak for them. A few years ago, a black named David Dinkins was elected mayor of one of the largest cities in America, New York. In 1968, Chrisam became the first black woman in the House of Representatives and in 1984, a popular black leader, Jesse Jackson ran for president. All this is a success because one of their goals was to have political power and equal opportunity. A second reason why the civil rights movement was politically more of a success than a failure is due to the fact that blacks are better off in the courts than they were. Now, blacks are allowed to serve on juries, and they are hardly ever discriminated in court as opposed to when the boy was over-sentenced for stealing an ice cream. For example, O.J. Simpson, who was accused of killing his wife, received a fair trial and was let off not-guilty. In the 60s in the south, he would have been found guilty very quickly. .u9c4dbc12ea6f0f97905b6209958c9687 , .u9c4dbc12ea6f0f97905b6209958c9687 .postImageUrl , .u9c4dbc12ea6f0f97905b6209958c9687 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u9c4dbc12ea6f0f97905b6209958c9687 , .u9c4dbc12ea6f0f97905b6209958c9687:hover , .u9c4dbc12ea6f0f97905b6209958c9687:visited , .u9c4dbc12ea6f0f97905b6209958c9687:active { border:0!important; } .u9c4dbc12ea6f0f97905b6209958c9687 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u9c4dbc12ea6f0f97905b6209958c9687 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u9c4dbc12ea6f0f97905b6209958c9687:active , .u9c4dbc12ea6f0f97905b6209958c9687:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u9c4dbc12ea6f0f97905b6209958c9687 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u9c4dbc12ea6f0f97905b6209958c9687 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u9c4dbc12ea6f0f97905b6209958c9687 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u9c4dbc12ea6f0f97905b6209958c9687 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u9c4dbc12ea6f0f97905b6209958c9687:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u9c4dbc12ea6f0f97905b6209958c9687 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u9c4dbc12ea6f0f97905b6209958c9687 .u9c4dbc12ea6f0f97905b6209958c9687-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u9c4dbc12ea6f0f97905b6209958c9687:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Vegetarianism - To Meat Or Not To Meat EssayIn the economic sense, the Kerner report has some truth today, but overall the civil rights movement was a huge success in this area because blacks are much better off today than they were before the movement. Before the civil rights movement, almost every black was very poor and they werent able to get good jobs because of their skin color. There was no middle class for blacks, just a lower class. They didnt have equal opportunity. An economic failure of the movement is the amount of poor blacks that still exist. The children which are products of this particular type of segregation live in a poor neighborhood, go to a poor . The Civil Rights Movement Essay Example For Students The Civil Rights Movement Essay The Civil Rights Movement Essay in the United States was a political, legal, and social struggle by black Americans to gain full citizenship rights and to achieve racial equality. The Civil Rights movement was first and foremost a challenge to segregation. During the Civil Rights Movement, individuals and organizations challenged segregation and discrimination with a variety of activities, including protest marches, boycotts, and refusal to abide by segregation laws. Many believed that the movement began with the Montgomery bus boycott in 1955 and ended with the Voting Rights act of 1965. However, there has been debate about when it began and whether it has ended yet. We will write a custom essay on The Civil Rights Movement specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The Civil Rights Movement has also been called the Black Freedom Movement, the Negro Revolution, and the Second Reconstruction. There were three main tenets to the Civil Rights Movement, the Post Civil War Period, the Educational Period, and the Social Movement. Following the Civil War, the 13th 14th and 15th amendments to the U.S. Constitution were passed. The 13th amendment made all blacks citizens of the United States. The 14th amendment granted them equal protection under the law. The 15th amendment gave black citizens the right to vote. After the outlawing of slavery, a new form of slavery developed in the South called sharecropping. This Debt Peonage tied the sharecropper to the land. By this system a black family farmed the land owned by whites. The blacks were allowed to keep about 10-15% of the profit and the rest went to the landowner. The blacks were kept in debt through their purchases at a General Store owned by the landowner. The blacks purchased things on credit, which kept them in debt. The story To Praise Our Bridges, by Fanny Lou Hamer, depicts the life of sharecroppers. It explains how the sharecroppers were kept in debt, and how they were sabotaged if they started to come out of debt. Black Codes or Jim Crow laws, were put in place to limit the movement of blacks rights and to enforce segregation. Many of these laws were put in place specifically to hinder black voting. This was done because the blacks outnumbered whites in the South and they feared that given the chance, the blacks would attempt to take control. These laws included such things as the Grandfather Clause. This stated that if your grandfather was able to vote in 1864 than you could vote. This was very effective because at that time no blacks would have been allowed to vote. Also Poll taxes were passed. These were taxes for the right to vote and had to be paid in the February prior to voting. The rationale was that the people would either not be able to afford the tax or they would lose their proof of payment by November. Also literacy tests were required in many areas before one could vote. This was effective because prior to 1864 it was illegal to teach black slaves to read and write. To Praise Our Bridges reveals how effective the White Power Structure of the South was at keeping blacks from voting. It was not until 1962 that the author even learned that she could vote. Most of these practices came to an end with the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. In 1896 came the landmark case of Plessy v. Ferguson. The Supreme Court, in this case, upheld the legality of racial segregation. At the time of the ruling, segregation between blacks and whites already existed in most schools, restaurants, and other public facilities in the American South. In the Plessy decision, the Supreme Court ruled that such segregation did not violate the 14th Amendment of the Constitution of the United States. This coined the phrase Separate but equal and set the way of life for almost the next sixty years. .ue8fea2ce6cf2d43c1dfb56feb51802fc , .ue8fea2ce6cf2d43c1dfb56feb51802fc .postImageUrl , .ue8fea2ce6cf2d43c1dfb56feb51802fc .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ue8fea2ce6cf2d43c1dfb56feb51802fc , .ue8fea2ce6cf2d43c1dfb56feb51802fc:hover , .ue8fea2ce6cf2d43c1dfb56feb51802fc:visited , .ue8fea2ce6cf2d43c1dfb56feb51802fc:active { border:0!important; } .ue8fea2ce6cf2d43c1dfb56feb51802fc .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ue8fea2ce6cf2d43c1dfb56feb51802fc { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ue8fea2ce6cf2d43c1dfb56feb51802fc:active , .ue8fea2ce6cf2d43c1dfb56feb51802fc:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ue8fea2ce6cf2d43c1dfb56feb51802fc .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ue8fea2ce6cf2d43c1dfb56feb51802fc .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ue8fea2ce6cf2d43c1dfb56feb51802fc .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ue8fea2ce6cf2d43c1dfb56feb51802fc .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ue8fea2ce6cf2d43c1dfb56feb51802fc:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ue8fea2ce6cf2d43c1dfb56feb51802fc .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ue8fea2ce6cf2d43c1dfb56feb51802fc .ue8fea2ce6cf2d43c1dfb56feb51802fc-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ue8fea2ce6cf2d43c1dfb56feb51802fc:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Lady in a rocking chair Essay The second phase of Civil Rights Reform came about through the educational system. The public schools were funded by property taxes. Since few blacks actually owned property, and that which was owned by blacks was of little value, the schools in black neighborhoods were always of lower quality than those in white neighborhoods. The banking industry hindered advancement. The industry engaged in what was called redlining. Where they would . The Civil Rights Movement Essay Example For Students The Civil Rights Movement Essay The Civil Rights Movement Essay The civil rights movement was a period of time when blacks attempted to gain their constitutional rights of which they were being deprived. The movement has occurred from the 1950s to the present, with programs like Affirmative Action. Many were upset with the way the civil rights movement was being carried out in the 1960s. As a result, someone assassinated the leader of the movement, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. We will write a custom essay on The Civil Rights Movement specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Many blacks were infuriated at this death so there were serious riots in almost 100 cities. President Johnson then appointed a committee called The Kerner Commission to study the civil rights movement. They concluded the following: We are moving toward two societies-one white and one black, separate and unequal. There is some truth to the Kerner Commission report, but on the whole the civil rights movement has been a success because blacks are better off now than they were before it began. The Kerner Commission report has some truth when it comes to blacks and politics, but overall the movement was a success because blacks have achieved more politically than before they began. Before the movement, blacks had almost no political power due to laws designed to prevent blacks from voting, like poll taxes, literacy tests and the Grandfather Clause. Also when some blacks went to vote, people simply wouldnt let them register. Due to lack of voting ability, no blacks were elected into office and therefore, blacks had no say in the government. Also, blacks were not allowed to serve on juries, yet they were almost always found guilty in court, even if the evidence was clearly against them. For example, years ago a boy in Georgia broke into a school to steal an ice cream. While he should have gotten a few hours of community service, he got three years in jail just because he was black. A truth to the Kerner Commission report that occurs today is that blacks are not being represented in Congress proportionally. While 12% of U.S. citizens are black, there is only one black in the Senate out of a hundred seats. This is a failure because blacks should be proportionally represented because it is their right to have a sufficient say in government. However, the civil rights movement was more of a success because blacks got the vote. The 24th amendment outlawed the Poll tax, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 protects the rights of all citizens to vote, and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 ended literacy tests and let the Federal government register voters to make sure that they arent discriminated again. Because of this new political power they have obtained, blacks have the ability to elect other blacks to represent them. There are over four times as many blacks in office today, than before the movement. This helped the blacks because they could have a representative to speak for them. A few years ago, a black named David Dinkins was elected mayor of one of the largest cities in America, New York. In 1968, Chrisam became the first black woman in the House of Representatives and in 1984, a popular black leader, Jesse Jackson ran for president. All this is a success because one of their goals was to have political power and equal opportunity. A second reason why the civil rights movement was politically more of a success than a failure is due to the fact that blacks are better off in the courts than they were. Now, blacks are allowed to serve on juries, and they are hardly ever discriminated in court as opposed to when the boy was over-sentenced for stealing an ice cream. For example, O.J. Simpson, who was accused of killing his wife, received a fair trial and was let off not-guilty. In the 60s in the south, he would have been found guilty very quickly. .ub60413d07fc39bcfb6b8518d3357f09a , .ub60413d07fc39bcfb6b8518d3357f09a .postImageUrl , .ub60413d07fc39bcfb6b8518d3357f09a .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ub60413d07fc39bcfb6b8518d3357f09a , .ub60413d07fc39bcfb6b8518d3357f09a:hover , .ub60413d07fc39bcfb6b8518d3357f09a:visited , .ub60413d07fc39bcfb6b8518d3357f09a:active { border:0!important; } .ub60413d07fc39bcfb6b8518d3357f09a .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ub60413d07fc39bcfb6b8518d3357f09a { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ub60413d07fc39bcfb6b8518d3357f09a:active , .ub60413d07fc39bcfb6b8518d3357f09a:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ub60413d07fc39bcfb6b8518d3357f09a .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ub60413d07fc39bcfb6b8518d3357f09a .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ub60413d07fc39bcfb6b8518d3357f09a .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ub60413d07fc39bcfb6b8518d3357f09a .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ub60413d07fc39bcfb6b8518d3357f09a:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ub60413d07fc39bcfb6b8518d3357f09a .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ub60413d07fc39bcfb6b8518d3357f09a .ub60413d07fc39bcfb6b8518d3357f09a-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ub60413d07fc39bcfb6b8518d3357f09a:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Causal Argument-Binge Drinking EssayIn the economic sense, the Kerner report has some truth today, but overall the civil rights movement was a huge success in this area because blacks are much better off today than they were before the movement. Before the civil rights movement, almost every black was very poor and they werent able to get good jobs because of their skin color. There was no middle class for blacks, just a lower class. They didnt have equal opportunity. An economic failure of the movement is the amount of poor blacks that still exist. The children which are products of this particular type of segregation live in a poor neighborhood, .

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Looks Are Deceiving Essay Example

Looks Are Deceiving Essay Example Looks Are Deceiving Essay Looks Are Deceiving Essay Marmara was one of those people that everyone despises. Everyone knows how disputing the first portion of the school twelvemonth can be for new pupils. I mean. you have to do new friends and merely acquire used to an unaccustomed environment. Well. it was non like that for Marmora! She had already become popular on the first twenty-four hours and was elected as category representative for she was intelligent and talented. She wrote two books that are published. had good expressions. a beautiful voice. oculus capturing drawings. and a one of a sort personality. and she was still in the 8th class! I was certain Miley Cyrus was incorrect when she sang that nobody’s perfect . for Marmara was the exclusion. The new miss and I made friends rapidly. She entertained us throughout the long. dull. and frequently draining school yearss. Everything she did was different. She was particular it seemed. in every manner. She would sit on the floor in the center of a lesson when the wooden chair started to ache her. spark her hair every three seconds. and ever maintain a pen and paper besides her. I invariably saw her jotting down things. and she would non detect the teacher’s razor crisp eyes tiring into her. None dared to penalize her though. because she excelled in about all the topics. In English category. she would portion her poesy with us. and whenever we had to compose essays. the instructors would pick hers as a theoretical account. Everyone would gaze at her in a most baffled mode. amazed at the ability of this prodigy. I felt that I myself was worthless compared to Maramara’s flawless beauty and cognition. It was non until the center of the school twelvemonth that something fishy started to go on. I would sometimes happen Marmara red-eyed and watery-eyed. her long. lushly brown hair concealing parts of her sorrowful face. As us adolescents live our age. happenings like this are quiet common. but from perfect Marmara. it seemed unnatural. As schoolmates would hotfoot to acquire besides her. seeking to supply her with solaces. her province would go worse- her legs would get down to shudder. and she would inquire to be left entirely. Her melancholic image was at that place in forepart of me every second of the yearss that followed ; I was awfully worried. One glooming winter twenty-four hours during deferral. I found her sitting entirely on a rusty bench. I wondered how pupils could be so loud and care-free while others were traveling through bad times. Immediately. I sat myself besides Marmara. taking it as an chance to hold a talk. I felt a spot awkward sitting at that place speechless. picking my encephalons for a manner to get down. Randomly. Marmara pulled her arm up. uncovering reasonably fresh cuts of a knife right below her left thenar. She whispered. Don’t concern. it’s merely how I relieve my hurting. you see I can’t call any longer. My eyes have dried up. I was struck dense by the daze and ran for the public toilet where I in private shed cryings. She followed shortly after ; her characteristics now cryptic and endangering like a fox. The impulse to shout and shout filled my lungs. but my lips did non portion for it seemed incorrect. I wanted to inquire her why- why she was making this to herself. but could non acquire myself to. fearing the effects. Her poesy grew sad. Marmara merely seemed like a different individual now. She had immense temper swings. You would see her laughing and joking about and so two seconds subsequently. solemn. I knew I had to make something. so I told her uncle who worked at school because he and Marmara were near. He took in the intelligence of her status calmly. and thanked me for describing it to him. However. I sensed a little alteration in his crinkled face and his normally firm voice was unsteady. I could state he was awfully disquieted. He rapidly took action and found Marmara a head-shrinker who helped her acquire out of her wont and status. I watched her carefully as she transformed back into her normal ego. assisting her along the manner. It turned out that she had some jobs at place that had affected her psychologically. I eventually realized that Marmara was merely like the remainder of us- adolescents confronting the universe and its challenges. Marmara taught me that no affair how strong. perfect. or powerful a individual may look. he or she still is a individual. There will ever be something that comes and can non be overtaken. I besides acquired that I should non ever judge people merely by their visual aspect or actions. Now I know non to acquire tricked into believing felicity is a mere smiling on the face because you neer know what internal struggles are concealing behind it. As they say looks can be lead oning.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Single Variable Equations on SAT Math Complete Strategies

Single Variable Equations on SAT Math Complete Strategies SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips In a way, single variable equations are some of the most common and least common types of questions on the SAT math section. Why? Because it’s rare to find more than one or two single variable equations per test, and yet knowing how to solve and manipulate single variable equations is a basic requirement for solving most all SAT math questions. Even though you won’t often see single variable equations by themselves, it is crucial that you know how to set up, use, and manipulate them. You cannot solve the more complex expressions like quadratics, multiple variables, and so on, without first understanding single variable equations. This guide will be your complete walk-through of single variable equations for the SATwhat they are, how you’ll see them on the test, and how to set up and solve them. Once you get the hang of single variable equations, you can go on to solve more and more complex problems. What Are Single Variable Equations? A single variable equation is comprised of two parts: the (lone) variable and the equation. So let’s look at what those are and how to put them together. A variable is a symbolic placeholder for a number we do not yet know. Often, you’ll see x or y used as a variable in math problems, but variables can be represented by any symbol or letter. $$4t=20$$ In this case, t is our variable. It represents a number that is currently unknown. An equation sets two (or more) mathematical expressions equal to one another. To show that the expressions are equal, we use an equals sign (=). Each side of the expression can be as simple as a single integer or as complex as an expression with multiple variables, exponents, or anything else. $$15(a+b^3)−(a−3)^12=22$$ The above is an example of an equation. Each side of the expression equals the other. So if we put together our definitions, we know that: A single variable equation is an equation in which there is only one variable. The variable can be used multiple times and/or used on either side of the equation as long as the variable remains the same. Some examples of single variable equations: $${4(a−3)}/a=2(a^8)$$ $$a+7−(a+3)=4$$ $$6a+a−3=a+21$$ You’ll notice that some of the equations used the variable, a, multiple times. Other equations used the variable on either side of the equals sign. No matter how many times the variable is used, all of these are still single variable problems because the variable remains constant and there are no other variables. Once you find your variable, you can solve the whole puzzle. Typical Single Variable Equations on the SAT Single variable equations will fall into two broad categories on the SATgiven equations and word problems. Word problems are by far the more common and you should expect to see one or two per test. Given equations, when they appear, will usually fall between problems 1-4 on any given math section. Let’s look at each type. Given Equations A given equation will provide you with the equation you need to use to solve the problem. We will go through the exact processes needed to solve this kind of problem in the next section, but for now just understand that your goal is to isolate your variable. (We will walk through how to solve this question later in the guide) In this problem, you are being asked to find the isolated variable as your final answer. But do be sure to note that this is not always the case. Sometimes the question will ask you to solve for y alone (or x or any other variable), and sometimes the question will ask you to solve for y to a different term (2y or 12y, etc.). Always pay close attention to exactly what the question is asking you to find. You need to first isolate your variable to solve the problem, but always double-check whether you should stop there or if you need to continue on, in order to find your final answer. Word Problems A word problem will describe a situation and ask you to find a missing variable. You must write your own equation based on the information you are given in the question. Again, your final answer may be the value of your variable (x or y, etc.) or your variable taken to a different term ($2x$, $y^2$, etc.). (We will walk through how to solve this question later in the guide) How to Manipulate a Single Variable Equation In order to solve a single variable equation, we must isolate our variable on one side of the equation. And the way we do this is by shifting everything else to the other side of the equals sign. In order to shift our terms (expressions), we must cancel them out on their original side. This means we have to set the non-variablesto zero when using addition/multiplication, and set the variable to 1 when using division/multiplication. (Why do we set it to 1 when using division/multiplication? Because we use multiplication and division to isolate our variable. But setting it to 1, we give ourselves just the one variable to work with.) The way we cancel out our terms is by performing the opposite function of each term. Opposite function pairs are: Addition and subtraction Multiplication and division For example, if we have a term on one side that has a minus sign (subtraction), we must add that same amount from both sides. $x−4=6$ $x−4+4=6+4$ $x=10$ If we have a term that is being multiplied, we must divide that same amount from both sides. $4x=20$ ${4x}/4={20}/4$ $x=5$ And so on. Whatever you do on one side of the equation, you must do on the other. This cancels out like terms and essentially moves your terms from one side of the equation to the other. Manipulating equations isall about balance. Steps to Solving a Single Variable Problem Let us take a typical variable expression and break it into the steps needed to solve it. $14−2x+2+6x=64.$ Find ${1/2}x.$ #1: Combine like terms If there is more than one term with a same variable, we must combine them in order to ultimately isolate that variable. We can add or subtract terms with a same variable in the same way we can any other numbers. $14−2x+2+6x=64$ Here we have a $−2x$ and a $6x$ (notice how we had to keep the signs in front of the numbers intact). Now we add them together. $−2x+6x=4x$ We also have multiple numbers without variables on the left side of our equation. We must combine these as well, as they are also like terms. $14+2=16$ So now, when we put the pieces together, our equation looks like this: $16+4x=64$ #2: Isolate the term with your variable Once we have combined our variables, we must isolate the variable term. If the term is simply the variable itself (e.g. $x$), then we can skip this step. But since our term here is $6x$, we must isolate the whole term first. $16+4x=64$ We have a positive 16 here that we want to get rid of in order to isolate our $4x$. This means we must subtract 16 from both sides of our equation. Why? Because we have a positive 16, which means that it is addition. And subtraction is the opposite of addition. We must also subtract 16 from either side to cancel out the 16 on the first expression (make it zero) so that we can isolate our variable. $16−16+4x=64−16$ $4x=48$ #3: Isolate your variable Now that we’ve isolated our term ($4x$), we can further isolate the variable. Again, we perform an opposite function of the term. In this case, we have $4x$, which uses multiplication. In order to isolate the variable, we must therefore use division (the opposite of multiplication) by dividing by 4 on both sides. This will set our x equal to one and thus isolate it. $4x=48$ ${4x}/4={48}/4$ $x=12$ #4: Double-check your variable by plugging it back in Now that we’ve solved for our variable, let us check to make sure it is correct by plugging it back into the original equation. $x=12$ $14−2x+2+6x=64$ $14−2(12)+2+6(12)=64$ $14−24+2+72=64$ $−10+74=64$ $64=64$ Success! We have correctly isolated the variable and found its value. #5: And, finally, double-check to make sure you are answering the right question. Ah-ha! We can’t stop here. Our initial question asked for the value of $1/2x$, not just x by itself. If we had stopped here at $x=12$, we would have gotten the final answer wrong. Now, we end the problem by saying: ${1/2}x=(1/2)12=6$ So our final answer is 6. Always be sure to double-check both that your variable is correct and that you are answering the exact question the test is asking you to answer. Now let’s try it again with our given equation problem from earlier. We have ${1/3}y+9=0$ and we must isolate our variable in order to ultimately find the value of y Step 1, combine like terms: There are no like terms to combine, so we can skip step 1. Step 2, isolate the variable term: $1/3y+9=0$ $1/3y+9−9=0−9$ $1/3y=−9$ Step 3, isolate the variable: $1/3y=−9$ $3*1/3y=−9$ $y=−27$ Step 4, double-check answer: $1/3y+9=0$ $(1/3*−27)+9=0$ $−9+9=0$ $0=0$ Step 5, double-check if answering the right question: The initial question wanted us to find y, and that is exactly what we found. We can confidently say that we are finished. Success! Our final answer is A, -27. Ready to put your single variable equation knowledge to the test? Test Your Knowledge 1. 2. 3. 4. Answers:700, B, A, C Answer Explanations: 1. This problem is one to be cautious of because you'll note that your final answer is NOT your variable. Why? Because we are asked to find the total amount of money each person made during the week and yet our variable is the amount of sales they made. So let's walk through the problem and set up our equation. We are told that both Tom and Alison made the same amount of money in a certain week, which means that this is an equation problem (their earnings are set equal to one another). We also know they had the exact same number of sales and that this number is yet unknown. This is our single variable. Let us call it x. Tom made 300 dollars plus 20% of his sales. We can set up his half of the equation like so: $300+0.2x$ (For more on percentages and why we can set up 20% of x as $0.2x$, check out our guide to SAT fractions and ratios.) Alison made 200 dollars plus 25% of her sales. So we can set up her half of the equation thusly: $200+0.25x$ Now, let us set the two sides equal to one another and solve for our variable. $300+0.2x=200+0.25x$ First, let us combine our like terms by moving them to opposite sides of the equation: $300−200=0.25x−0.2x$ $100=0.05x$ Now, let's isolate our variable: $100/0.05={0.05x}/0.05$ $2000=x$ This means that they each sold 2000 dollars worth of product. But wait! We can't stop here. The question asked us to find their weekly compensation, NOT their weekly sales. We must plug 2000 back into one of the original equations in place of x to find our final answer. Let's take Tom's weekly earnings again: $300+0.2x$ $300+0.2(2000)$ $300+400$ 700 So both Tom and Alison (remember, they made the same amount) earned 700 dollars that week. Our final answer is 700. (Note: you can also double-check your answer with Alison's original equation as well: $200+0.25x$ $200+0.25(2000)$ $200+500$ 700 Either way, the answer is 700) 2. We are told that a triangle has a perimeter of 13 and one side length of 3. The other two sides are equal. That means we would set up an equation that would look like this: $3+2x=13$ The left side of the equation is the sum of all the triangle’s sides. x is substituting for our unknown side lengths. And we have multiplied our x by 2 because the two unknown side lengths are equal. Now, we solve. $3+2x=13$ Subtract 3 from both sides $3−3+2x=13−3$ $2x=10$ Isolate our variable ${2x}/2=10/2$ $x=5$ So each of the other side lengths must be equal to 5. Let’s plug the answer back in to make sure this is correct. $3+5+5=13$ $13=13$ Success! And we are being asked for the length of each side, so we know that our variable answer is the final solution. Our final answer is B, 5. 3. We are being asked to find the number of sandwiches that Ali made, so let’s make our unknown variable a for Ali. This means that Ali made a number of sandwiches. We are told that Ben made three times as many sandwiches as Ali, which means that Ben made $3a$ sandwiches. Now Carla made twice as many sandwiches as Ben. We will still say that all the sandwiches made are in terms of a number of sandwiches, so Carla made $2*3a=6a$ sandwiches. And we also know that the total number of sandwiches was 20. So now, when we put it all together, we get: $a+3a+6a=20$ Combine our like terms and we get: $10a=20$ Isolate our variable. ${10a}/10={20}/10$ $a=2$ Now let’s double-check to make sure that is correct. If Ali makes 2 sandwiches, and Ben makes three times as many, he will have made 6 sandwiches. If Carla makes twice as many as Ben, she’ll have made 12 sandwiches. $2+6+12=20$ 20=20 Success! We have correctly isolated our variable. Since we said that a was the number of sandwiches that Ali made, this means: Our final answer is A, Ali made 2 sandwiches. 4. We are given the problem: "$10+x$ is 5 more than 10." The "is" in the question sets the terms equal, so when we translate this statement, we get: $10+x=15$ Now, let’s isolate our variable. $10−10+x=15−10$ $x=5$ Now let’s double-check by plugging our x back into the original equation. $10+x$ is 5 more than 10. $10+5=15$ is 5 more than 10. Success, we have isolated our variable. But wait! The final question wants us to find the value of 2x, not just x. $x=5$ $2(5)=10$ So our final answer is C, $2x=10$ Whoo! You conquered those single variable equations! The Take Aways Single variations make up the backbone of many other SAT problems. By knowing how to manipulate these kinds of expressions, you’ll be able to build on these techniques to solve much more complex problems and equations. Just remember to always perform the same act to each side of the equation and save isolating your variable for last, and you’ll be conquering single variable equations left and right. Now you’ve got the building blocks for understanding how to go forth and take on the rest of the SAT math topics. So build upon this knowledge and tackle the rest of what SAT math has to offer. What’s Next? You’ve build up your mathematical foundation and now you’re raring to take on more. Before you start in on another SAT math topic guide, make sure you have a good idea of all the topics covered on the SAT math. Think you might need a tutor? Check out the best ways to find a tutor that suits your needs, whether online or in person. Taken a practice test and don’t know how you match up for schools? Make sure you have a good idea of what your ideal score truly is. And if you feel like you’ve got a handle on the math itself, but struggle with the timing, then be sure to check out our guide on how to complete your SAT math section on time. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points? Check out our best-in-class online SAT prep program. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your SAT score by 160 points or more. Our program is entirely online, and it customizes what you study to your strengths and weaknesses. If you liked this Math strategy guide, you'll love our program.Along with more detailed lessons, you'll get thousands ofpractice problems organized by individual skills so you learn most effectively. We'll also give you a step-by-step program to follow so you'll never be confused about what to study next. Check out our 5-day free trial:

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Theoretical Position. Standards for Evaluating Theories Essay

Theoretical Position. Standards for Evaluating Theories - Essay Example On the other hand, epistemology deals with the scope and nature of knowledge. Standards for Evaluating Theories There are five standards for evaluating theories and they include scope, testability, parsimony, utility and heurism. In the assessment of the scope of a theory, one has to determine how much and how good a theory defines and explains. Testability is the second standard for evaluating theories; in this aspect the theory is investigated to know whether it is correct or not, or [if it is incredible such that it does not require to be tested] (Can this be reworded without the word "incredible" and "does not require" to be tested? Our text does not cover the concept of a theory being so incredible it doesn't require testing). A third standard for evaluating theories is parsimony; parsimony can be referred to as simplicity. In this context, the theory does not have to be complex. The fourth standard is utility; many people tend to think that theory as being academic and esoteric (when it can have a functional use). The last standard in evaluating theories is heurism. What is the heuristic value of the theory? In this context, one asks himself if the theory leads to new thinking or its contribution to the knowledge of something and if it offers us with the possibility of further investigation (Wood, 2004). Some of the standards or criteria are more important than others; this is because I think they are more subjective than the others. I believe scope, parsimony, and utility to be more important than the others. In the context of scope, some of the theories claim to define and offer an explanation to almost all features of mass communication (including the medium, the recipient of the media messages, the content and the communicator). There are theories that provide an explanation and a description of only one feature of mass communication. For instance, â€Å"feminist theories which although can cover the whole domain of mass communication, often only foc us on media content and the portrayal of women in media content† (Fourie, 2001, p. 46). When considering how well a theory defines something, one has to distinguish whether the theory offers a full or partial description of all the important aspects of the phenomenon. For instance, a theory can focus on all or partial aspects of mass communications process (medium, messages, communicator and recipient) (Fourie, 2001, p. 43). In regard to parsimony, it is thought that majority of the best theories are simple and they permit sound description and explanation. For example, the Roman Jakobson’s theory of communication functions has been used in many ways by a number of researchers to investigate the components of mass communication (Jakobson, Pomorska & Rudy, 1985, p170). In the context of utility, theories are supposed to possess practical importance in terms of the individual understanding of the phenomenon with the aim of managing the phenomenon and enhancing the phenome non. A theory assisting us in understanding how mass communication operates â€Å"can lead to our control of this phenomenon to the benefit of people and society† (Fourie, 2001, p57). Ontology Ontology can be defined as the division of philosophy that deals with the organization and the nature of being (Maedche, 2002, p56). In other words, it is a branch of philosophy that explains the characteristic and organization of the being. My ontological position is that the characteristics and organization

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Administrative ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Administrative ethics - Essay Example The article written by Mehnke (2010) entitled â€Å"Managing a breach in patient confidentiality† and published in the Nursing Critical Care journal proffered issues pertinent to the crucial importance of observing privacy and confidentiality when dealing with patients. In a scenario, a nurse accessing patient’s records for personal use emerged without thinking of the possible repercussions of her action to the patient and to herself. Mehnke (2010) revealed that â€Å"a nurse knowingly accessed a neighbor’s electronic medical record and acted on the information she found by confronting the patient. The nurse approached the patient in the perioperative waiting area before the surgery and asked what procedure she was undergoing† (1). As a consequence, the nurse’s action dealt with the utmost penalty of firing her from employment because of breach of confidentiality. The decision precludes other nurses and health care practitioners from repeating the s ame offense. The gravity of the issue was addressed by severing the employment from the health care institution to show other health care practitioners that there is no compromise to the issue. The issue’s impact on health care practitioners focused on giving primary importance and utmost care in adhering to the laws and regulations prescribed by Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), specifically on the protection of patient privacy rights.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Dating and the Single Parent Essay Example for Free

Dating and the Single Parent Essay Summary In the book Dating and the Single Parent Ron Deal walks the single parent through the process of dating again. This book is broken into three sections. Section one has five chapters and is titled â€Å"Getting Past the Butterflies and Warm Fuzzes.† In the beginning Deal starts with â€Å"Dating in a Crowd: Dating with Purpose.† (29) With this in mind the reader begins to understand you will be dating the entire family. Deal describes different types of daters, and warns the reader against the â€Å"Consumer daters who want guarantees† (44) about the dates. These consumer daters want the dates to be their all in all and meet their every need. Deal also describes the thought of â€Å"Mirror, Mirror on the Wall; Am I Ready to Date? (47) This section describes â€Å"the impact loss has on you, and your willingness to surrender to God’s direction regarding divorce and remarriage.† (58) While determining if you are ready to date; Deal lists the readiness factors: can you handle being alone, trusting in God, looking at past issues, and asking the questions like, â€Å"What in my past can I not shake?† This is getting yourself and kids ready for dating. While thinking of fear as the main hurdle in beginning to date, Deal suggests you not â€Å"sidestep† (83) your fear but â€Å"acknowledge it.† (83) Not only your fear but how to handle the kids’ fears and concerns in the dating world. Deal explains â€Å"When a parent dates, kids feel the shift in direction away from them and the family; this ignites their fear of more loss.† (98) The second section of the book is called â€Å"Going Fishing† (115) and talks about finding love. â€Å"Finding love in all the right places †¦and in all the wrong ways† (117) talks about defining the  relationship or the DTR; there are three ways to look at relationships; we need to learn when to yield, stop or run with yellow, red and green lights. â€Å"Going deeper† (163) reminds us to think of where we are in life. Deal states â€Å"Single people need that perspective so that won’t overvalue getting married, and married people need that perspective so they won’t lose sight of their purpose in being together.† (165) â€Å"Marital Commitment and Stepfamily Preparation† (181) is the topic of the third section of the book. It is about getting re-engaged and making decisions about getting married. Guidelines are given about what things to look for such as commitment and trust issues, how to be open with the children (young and adult). Some key steps in how to become a blended family are listed. Deal suggests exercises on how to be introduced, recognize loss in your child, planning the wedding and including the children, and telling the ex. This book takes you through the processes of wanting to date again, dating, and choosing the right type of person to date. The next steps are about the engagement, telling families and children you’re getting married and creating a happily blended family. Potential Use for Christian Couples The chapter on â€Å"Yellow Light. Red Light. Green Light.† (141) is a chapter that most pastors need to share with their clients in the premarital counseling. This chapter and the concepts to be taught and learned can save couples from a lot of pain down the road and give additional skills for making a marriage more compatible. â€Å"Yellow lights saying slow down† (143) warm that things are great for now, however when you get married and the honeymoon is over rough times are coming. When you are trying to carefully blend families you need to make sure no one has on â€Å"rose-colored glasses† (145) or is ignoring the bumps in the road that will turn in to mountains later on if not dealt with before the couple gets married. A counselor needs to advise a couple to slow down if â€Å"loneliness or desperation† (146) are detected in the counseling sessions. This could indicate an underlying problem that will come out later in the marriage. The person with one of these disorders may demand that the other person in the relationship try to be their all in all, and no one can be everything to someone. Counselors should consider a postponement of a marriage if one of the clients comes in with any character traits like: â€Å"quick temper, intimidating, anger  reactions, chemical or physical abuse, can’t say no, constantly blaming others, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, problems staying calm, financial problems, disengagement with family, hiding previous relationships, or diagnosed personality disorder.† (147-148) If a person has experienced or is experiencing one of these challenges, this counselor will strongly suggest that it is dealt with before the marriage takes place. One of these problems will cause too much stress for most marriages to overcome. Deal suggests there are red stoplights. If you â€Å"have extreme differences in parenting styles† (151) you need to stop dating. This counselor would agree. Raising children is a very hard job when you agree; however, when you disagree children tend to play one parent off the other causing conflict between the parents. You need to remember you are not only marrying the person, but also the children. Another red light could be the ex-spouse. If he/she causes constant trouble, you will be in constant turmoil in the new marriage and will need to consider canceling your plans to marry. Deal suggests other red flags such as cohabitation. This counselor would agree with Deal that cohabitation leans toward persons â€Å"who have negative attitudes toward marriage, increase their divorce risk by 50%, are less sexually trustworthy, have lower religious commitment, and are tempted to slide into marriage.† (154) Cohabitation is not biblical, in Genesis 2:24 gives us the standard for all marriages and in Matthew 19:5 Jesus tells us marriage is a legal and binding relationship. The â€Å"green light† (159) means everything is good and you can proceed with the dating or marriage plans. In the â€Å"green light† stage you can define your relationship. At this point Deal suggests you can share your relationship with your children. This also is the stage during which it is suggested you take the â€Å"Couple Checkup† (169). There are two advantages to doing it in this stage: first â€Å"it provides you and your partner an objective X ray of your relationship health.† (169) Second â€Å"learning about your weaknesses helps you as a couple target specific ways to improve.† (169) This counselor will encourage couples in the red light zone to take a break and consider not dating any longer. If they are in the yellow light zone this counselor will encourage them to consider looking deeply at what the problems are and working through them before proceeding with the relationship. In the green light zone this counselor will encourage them to be willing to talk about issues when they arise, to be willing to  talk about them, and to work on a compromise. Deal states: â€Å"Confidence calms the heart and reduces anxiety†. (194) This counselor could not agree more, and knowing where you stand in a relationship is the most important element. Solidifying the relationship so both persons know how each other feels and what to expect keeps the green light going. Telling the children if you have children will be important. A plan needs to be made about how to tell them and expect the unexpected. One needs to expect them to be happy and for them to be angry about the decision. Letting the children know what will happen will help them through the fear and anger. Deal does not go into depth about what to do if the families do not want this marriage. What if the families do not like the person you want to marry? This counselor agrees the spouse that was married to the ex ought to tell him/her before the wedding day. Once the wedding day has taken place often times the children are going to be stressed out by this and misbehave. Deal suggests often times when things settle down from the wedding the child parent relationship will work itself out. This is a relationship neither party has had to handle before and it will be new challenges to both the parent and the child. Deal encourages parents to have a united front with the children. (206) If they do not have a â€Å"unified team everything will begin to crumble.† (207) Critique Deal speaks about â€Å"commitment and trust† (187) issues with couples. He explains that marriage is complicated and requires a couple to not be selfish. â€Å"God in his infinite wisdom ask each person to make a covenant that binds them together throughout life,† (187) or â€Å"until death do us part.† (187) Elwell states in the time of Christ a man could â€Å"divorce his wife for the most trivial of reasons† (347) from the â€Å"Hillelite Pharisees.† (347) This would suggest that if you take the side of the Hillelite Pharisees, our no fault divorce laws have been around for centuries. It is a delicate dance to get someone to commit to marriage to you when you are ready to commit to marriage and they will not. Deal gives several ideas: â€Å"Patiently continue dating, wrestle with your impatience, identify any specific concerns, give time for the hesitant person to find resolution, and at some point, the higher desire person will grow weary of waiting.† (188) Deal does later in the book suggest a time line of five years is a reasonable time to wait on  someone. If you have waited for five years and they still have not made a decision but you love them and cannot imagine life without that person do you walk away? Would it not be like a divorce? This counselor would not suggest anyone stay with someone for more than the five years unless they can make a decision to marry or not to marry. Deal speaks about crockpots and blenders in the chapter about â€Å"Preparing for a Good Blend.† The crockpots are those couples who move slowly with low heat,† (208) while the blender couples are those who â€Å"move quickly with high velocity.† (208) Deal states: â€Å"It is far wiser to adopt the crockpot cooking style.† (208) Otherwise slow and study is a much better way to blend a family than trying to quickly trying to force them to be a blended family. In this chapter he gives ideas about how to create stepfamilies. He says: â€Å"Younger children under the age of five may require far less time to soften toward stepparents than those between the ages of ten and fifteen years. Also, on occasion, a stubborn ingredient may resist softening and retain a sour taste. In either case, keep cooking.† This counselor would whole heartedly agree with his wisdom. The younger children are when stepparents arrive into their life, the easier it is to accept t hem. Deal also gives ideas about how to handle situations like: â€Å"getting married, calling a stepfather Daddy, combining holidays and other special-day traditions, and taking pictures as a family.† (209-210) With statistics saying that â€Å"fifty percent of first marriages fail and sixty percent of second marriages fail† ( this counselor believes Deal has made great recommendations in his book about how to blend families. Blended families will take work and Deal says that many times in this book. This book is an easy read with thought provoking topics. Some of the topics have a different way of looking at them than traditional thoughts. This book is a must read if you are thinking of remarrying or marrying someone who has been married before. References Deal, R. (2012). Dating and the single parent. Bloomington, MN: Bethany House Publishing. Eller, W. (2001). Evangelical dictionary of theology. 2n ed. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House. Marano, H. E., Divorced? Don’t even think of remarrying until you read this. Accessed November 8, 2014.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Eve’s Speech to the Forbidden Tree in Milton’s Paradise Lost

Eve’s Speech to the Forbidden Tree in Milton’s Paradise Lost In Book IX of Milton’s Paradise Lost, Eve makes a very important and revealing speech to the tree of knowledge. In it, she demonstrates the effect that the forbidden fruit has had on her. Eve’s language becomes as shameful as the nakedness that Adam and Eve would later try to cover up with fig leaves. After eating the forbidden apple, Eve’s speech is riddled with blasphemy, self-exaltation, and egocentrism. The first part of Eve’s speech contains the most blatant blasphemy. In it, she turns the forbidden tree into an idol, or a false god. She promises that â€Å"henceforth [her] early care, / Not without song each morning, and due praise / Shall tend [the tree]† (ln 799-801). The long sounds of the spondees in â€Å"not without song each morning, and due praise† add to the deliberateness of Eve’s blasphemy. The tree replaces God in her eyes, and begins to receive the praise that she had formerly reserved only for God. Besides being blasphemous, this is also ironic. In her foolishness, Eve ends up praising the very thing that will ultimately prove to be her undoing. Eve considers the tree a great gift. However, because of the influence of the serpent, she does not consider it a gift from God. The serpent has caused her to believe that God did not give the tree to Adam and Eve because it was not his to give. Therefore, Eve supposes that God must â€Å"envy what [he] cannot give: / For had the gift been [his], it had not here / Thus grown† (ln 805-7). In other words, she argues that if God had had possession of this tree, he would not have left it where it is. Therefore, according to Eve’s manipulated reasoning, God must not have the knowledge that the tree bestow... ...d â€Å"Adam† in line 831. The last two lines of this speech are very dramatic. Eve has such a great love for Adam that she could endure anything as long as he would be by her side, but she would be nothing without him. However, this creates a paradox. One may ask, if Eve loves Adam as much as she professes to, then why put his life in jeopardy just to make her own suffering more bearable? The answer, of course, goes back to the selfishness that has pervaded her entire speech. These lines stand out because of the spondees at the end of both of them. Eve’s language is drastically altered when she partakes of the forbidden fruit. It becomes permeated with blasphemy, self-praise and selfish words. Works Cited: Milton, John. Paradise Lost. in The Norton Anthology of English Literature, M. H. Abrams, ed. New York: W. W. Norton and Company, 1993. 1594-5.

Monday, November 11, 2019

A business letter on expanding into foreign markets Essay

This letter is about my business that wants to expand out of the United States. I hope you will be able to advise us on this step our business wants to take. We hope you have the answers to our questions and thank you for helping us. Internatioanl expansion is one of the srategies wwe want to use in growing our business. There are important issues that you have to consider when expanding to other countries. We have looked at some of these issues. We see that we have to adapt to other countries cultures and traditions. Also we have to consider religous differences in ther countries. For example in some religonds some meats are concidered sacred, which we will have to take into consideration if we want to sell our products in those countries. We also rrealize that we have to make our business acomidate the peolpe of each country. We cant have the same things in each store. Reasearch will have to be done, which will help us know what people prefer in different countries. We think that by moving into different countries it will increase our amount of customers becaususe they will know are name. We will be all over the world and not just in the Uited States. This could make us more appealing to customers because when they come to us they know what they can expect. Customers like that comfortable feeling that we can provide them by expanding into other countries. We would like to sell our products considering people wants and needs. Also considering the prices that fit our customers. We will also learn of our customers wants and needs by having evaluations in our stores each week considering different issues. This will make us aware of what our customers want and should help us satisfy our customers. By listening to the customers opinions we will be able to come up with new types of ideas and goods that we could sell in addition to our coffe and desserts. Also we realize that people like a relaxing atmosphere in a coffe and desert house. we will acomidate this by having soothing music in our stores, books, and magazines that fit the customers of each of the countries we go into.We would like to thank you for taking the time to read this letter. We hope you are able to advise us and some more ideas you have for us expanding our business outside the United States. Also tell us if the issues that we coered in the letter are correct or could be fixed.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Poetry Essay

Understanding and interpreting poetry requires a different method of reading than the method which is generally associated with prose. While a given poem, especially a lyric poem, may be literally read in a matter of minutes, the comprehension of the poem may take a lifetime. This is due to the extraordinary ability of poets to compress meanings and also develop complex and multi-layered associations of language, figurative language, image, rhyme, and even narrative within a very brief literary forms. Contemplating a poem is as much a part of experiencing it as merely reading a poem. In the hands of a talented and inspired poet, the minimal use of words and the seemingly constricted forms offered by poetry are actually platforms to convey thoughts, themes, and emotions that would find no more complete expression even if given the â€Å"larger† platform of a novel, essay, or even memoir. As an example of this multi-tiered expression that is found in good poetry, Anne Sexton’s poem, â€Å"Starry Night† provides a rich demonstration of how poetry conveys multiple meanings and associations within a minimalist form. To begin with, Sexton’s poem â€Å"The Starry Night† is an exercise in ekphrasis. Ekphrasis is a type of poem written about another art-form. Most often, in poetry, it involves painting. When writing a poems inspired by paintings, poets attempt to make language, image, and meter evoke the same emotional or thematic impact which is delivered by the visual techniques and textures of paintings. In â€Å"The Starry Night,†Anne Sexton was inspired not only by Vincent Van Goght’s painting of the same title, but by a letter the artist wrote to his brother, which contained the epigraph for Sexton’s poem: â€Å"That does not keep me from having a terrible need/of— shall I say the word— religion. Then I go/out at night to paint the stars. † By including the quotation form Van Goght above the body of her poem, Sexton accomplishes a clever bit of compression, in fact: explicating the poem’s theme before a word of the poem, proper, has a chance to even be read by the reader! This sly trick is compatible with Van Gogh’s technique in the painting â€Å"The Starry Night† which discards subtlety in favor of grandeur and obscurity in favor of explicit emotional expression. In the painting we see a night sky crowded with swirling clouds, blazing starts with burning halos and a moon which reflects each of the lunar phases in one image. All of these attributes are exaggerated, pulling the viewer into a setting of epic epiphany and emotional release. Van Goght’s sky is alive and engages the viewer relentlessly. The overall initial experience is one of being overwhelmed by the immensity of cosmic nature. Below a set of rolling hill lies a small town. The focal point of the town is the large church- steeple, which presides over the rest of the buildings. This steeple seems to anchor the town and the rest of the scene beneath the sky, suggesting that it is the religious and spiritual dialogue between humanity and the cosmos which is of the most importance, not the town itself. Similarly, Sexton begins her poem, â€Å"The town does not exist† establishing the primacy of a non-linear mode of perception, as well as setting the stage for the eventual, climactic religious epiphany. Van Gogh painted Starry Night while in an Asylum at Saint-Remy in 1889. According to many sources his behavior was erratic during this period of his life. During his youth, Van Gogh had dedicated his life to the church. Many believe that Genesis 37:9: â€Å"And he dreamed yet another dream, and told it his brethren, and said, Behold, I have dreamed a dream more; and, behold, the sun and the moon and the eleven stars made obeisance to me† greatly influenced Van Gogh’s â€Å"The Starry Night. † Sexton, too, carefully reserves the numerical symbolism of the painting in her lines: â€Å"The night boils with eleven stars. /Oh starry starry night! This is how/I want to die! † By repeating the adjective â€Å"starry,† Sexton gains the â€Å"crowded† feeling of Van Gogh’s canvas in her stanza. She grasps the â€Å"living sky† element in the following lines: â€Å"It moves. They are all alive. /Even the moon bulges in its orange irons. † The key to Sexton’s masterful ekphrasis seems to lie in her use of compressed diction: â€Å"The old unseen serpent swallows up the stars. †This, like Van Gogh’s hurried, thick brush stroked invokes a sense of both urgency and passion. Sexton’s use of the refrain â€Å"This is how I want to die! † encapsulates the theme of Van Gogh’s paining, that of religious ecstacy, by merging the erotic/death urge so common in Elizabethan poetry and here marked by an additional shading of surrealism â€Å"sucked up by that great dragon, to split/from my life with no flag. In so doing, Sexton remains true to her confessional mode, also capturing an element which is perhaps understated in Van Gogh’s original, but present nonetheless, a â€Å"confession† of deep loneliness and alienation, marked by the darker swirls of color on the painting’s peripheries and also by the lone black tree, which Sexton describes as â€Å"a drowned woman† marking for posterity her close identification with the emotional confessional and religious themes of Van Gogh’s painting. Sexton’s poem is a wonderful counterpoint to Van Gogh’s painting, a rich example of the artistic and expressive potential of transposing the themes textures and techniques from one art medium to another.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Lord of the Rings- The Return of the King essays

The Lord of the Rings- The Return of the King essays The Return of the King leads us to the conclusion of the journey of our Ring Bearer and his former company. There is a constant struggle of good versus evil throughout the novel as our characters attempt to restore peace to the Middle-earth. Fortunately many of these struggles come to prove that good will surpass evil in the end. During the novel other themes arise, such as the struggle for power, story telling, and friendship. I believe the main theme of The Return of the King is the battle between good and evil. The Return of the King has our fellowship divided. Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli besieged in a castle as the dark forces approach, with Gandalf resurrected and trying to mount a defense. Whereas Sam and Frodo are separated deep in Saurons land. The quest to defeat Sauron seems hopeless, but with the return of the king, the powers of good shine through, and Aragorn with his armies are able to fight back Sauron and his evil army. Frodo with much help from Sam finally makes to the Crack of Doom. However, the ring has taken too strong of a hold on Frodo and he is unable to cast the ring into the fire. Instead he claims the ring and puts it on; alerting Sauron the ring is near the Crack of Doom. Gollum finds his way into the mountain with Sam and Frodo, and manages to bite off Frodos finger wearing the ring. As Gollum rejoices for the return of his precious, the inevitable force of good causes him to fall into the fire with the ring. Destroying the ring along with Sauron and winning the battle for good. Later the hobbits return to the Shire which has been taken over by Saruman. Once again good defeats evil and the hobbits take back control of the Shire. Wormtongue finally seeing the light kills Saruman. At the end of the novel Gildor, Elrond, Galadriel, Bilbo, Frodo, and Gandalf left on the white ship to the undying lands. Thus ending the Third Age of Middle-earth. Tolkien uses various literary techniq...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Brief On The Code Of Hammurabi Essay

, Research Paper Brief Look at the Code of Hammurabi In his place as King of Babylonia, Hammurabi managed to form the universe # 8217 ; s first codification of Torahs and set up Babylon as the dominant and successful Amorite metropolis of its clip. # 8220 ; Records written on clay tablets show that Hammurabi was a really capable decision maker and a successful warrior. His regulation spanned from 1792 BC to 1750 BC When he became king in 1792, he was still immature, but had already become entrusted with many official responsibilities in his disposal # 8221 ; ( Grolier ) . In the early old ages of his reign, Hammurabi largely participated in traditional activities, such as mending edifices, delving canals, and contending wars. Yet subsequently in his regulation, Hammurabi organized a alone codification of Torahs, the first of its sort, hence doing himself one of the universe # 8217 ; s most influential leaders. Hammurabi was chiefly influential to the universe because of his codification of Torahs. This codification consisted of 282 commissariats, consistently arranged under a assortment of topics. He sorted his Torahs into groups such as household, labour, personal belongings, existent estate, trade, and concern. This was the first clip in history that any Torahs had been categorized into assorted subdivisions. This format of organisation was emulated by civilisations of the hereafter. For illustration, Semitic cultures wining Hammurabi # 8217 ; s regulation used some of the same Torahs that were included in Hammurabi # 8217 ; s codification. Hammurabi # 8217 ; s method of idea is apparent in present twenty-four hours societies, which are influenced by his codification. Modern authoritiess presently create specific Torahs, which are placed into their appropriate household of similar Torahs. Hammurabi had his Torahs recorded upon an eight-foot high black rock memorial. Hammurabi based his codification on rules like, the strong should non wound the weak, and that penalty shou ld suit the offense. As for penalty, â€Å"legal actions were initiated under the codification by written pleadings ; testimony was taken under curse. The codification was terrible in its punishments, ordering â€Å"an oculus for an oculus, a tooth for a tooth† ( Grolier ) . These codifications of Torahs were maintained by raising the authorization of the Gods and the province. Although the penalties were different than those of today, the authorization of the province ( authorities ) is similar. Presently, penalties are issued through the province # 8217 ; s jurisprudence enforcement system, comparable to the manner penalty was determined and enforced in ancient Babylon. In the codification, offenses punishable by decease required a test in forepart of a bench of Judgess. Included in these offenses were: bigamy, incest, snatch, criminal conversation and larceny. There were besides Torahs similar to today. For illustration, a hubby who wished to disassociate his married woman, was required to pay maintenance and child support. By making the universe # 8217 ; s first set of organized Torahs, Hammurabi constituted a theoretical account set of moral codifications for other civilisations to double. # 8220 ; The codification of Hammurabi is believed to hold greatly influenced the development of Near Eastern civilisations for centuries after it was written # 8221 ; ( Britannica ) . Although Hammurabi failed to set up an effectual bureaucratic system himself, his thoughts were successful in set uping Torahs in Babylonia. Since Babylon was the universe # 8217 ; s first city, the big population needed to be bound by a rigorous set of organized civil Torahs. The manner Hammurabi constructed his Torahs is influential to the universe today, because Torahs can be more easy understood by the people. Bibliography # 8220 ; Code of Hammurabi. # 8221 ; Encyclopedia Britannica ( 1989 ) , X, 682. # 8220 ; Hammurabi. # 8221 ; Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia ( 1994 ) . # 8220 ; Hammurabi. # 8221 ; Compton # 8217 ; s Encyclopedia ( 1990 ) , XI, 225.